Poke Genie is an IV calculator that will take a screenshot of the Pokemon, collect stats automatically, and calculate IV combinations so you know how much stardust and candies you should investPoke genie doesn't pull from the game, it pulls from visual cues Niantic will never know you're using it so it's a safe and fair way to judge your Pokémon level 1This series runs from March 1, –April 30, All Gigantamax Pokémon are banned, except for those legal in Series 2 In addition, the following Gigantamax Pokémon are legal AlcremieGmax AppletunGmax CharizardGmax with Solar Power in addition to Blaze CoalossalGmax FlappleGmax GrimmsnarlGmax HattereneGmax
How To Name Your Pokemon With Pokie Genie Calci Iv In Pokemon Go Youtube