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検索キーワード「shiny pokemon」に一致する投稿を日付順に表示しています。 関連性の高い順 すべての投稿を表示

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 Go on a stroll with your favorite Pokémon in your Poké Ball Plus to level them up, and to receive ingame rewards after returning them to the game Connect to Pokémon GO* to transfer caught Kantoregion Pokémon, including Alolan and Shiny forms, as well as the newly discovered Pokémon, Meltan, from that game to this one!Meltan is a Steeltype Mythical Pokémon It evolves into Melmetal when fed 400 candies Meltan is available as the reward for Special Research tasks series Let's GO, Meltan Alternatively, a Mystery Box can be received from Pokémon Let's Go or Pokémon HOME in order to capture more Meltan Let's GO, Meltan is the fourth series of global Special Research tasks The final goal is to catch Meltan, the Mythical Pokémon introduced in Pokémon Let's Go It was available since November 16th, 18 This task allows players who don't play the said game to catch a Meltan It was possible to

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Poke Genie is an IV calculator that will take a screenshot of the Pokemon, collect stats automatically, and calculate IV combinations so you know how much stardust and candies you should investPoke genie doesn't pull from the game, it pulls from visual cues Niantic will never know you're using it so it's a safe and fair way to judge your Pokémon level 1This series runs from March 1, –April 30, All Gigantamax Pokémon are banned, except for those legal in Series 2 In addition, the following Gigantamax Pokémon are legal AlcremieGmax AppletunGmax CharizardGmax with Solar Power in addition to Blaze CoalossalGmax FlappleGmax GrimmsnarlGmax HattereneGmax

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